How to Get Rid of Worms in Your Body Fast

herbal remedy for worms

Such is life, anything can happen. Everyone can hear from the doctor: "You found bugs. " Pretty unpleasant words, we have to agree. The first thought in my mind was how to get rid of worms fast?

Not only is it disgusting to be aware of the fact that certain worms live in your body. These "animals" do real damage. They can live not only in the gut, but also in the lungs, liver, muscles, skin. Over the course of their lives, they release toxins that lower immunity and trigger a bunch of unpleasant symptoms.

fastest medical treatment

Due to the market economy and competition, there are quite a few medications available today that can get you rid of worms quickly and effectively. Their use varies from one dose to a two-week course of treatment.

attention!Medication should only be taken after a specialist has confirmed the diagnosis!

Different types of insects have different effects on deworming. Therefore, before starting treatment, a person must know exactly which "beast" he decides to get rid of.

For nematodes (these are pinworms, roundworms, hookworms, capillaries), the following medications will help clear the worms quickly:

  1. Based on levamisole.
  2. Based on mebendazole.
  3. With the active substance albendazole.

important!Some drugs cannot be combined with each other!

Deworming medicine must be taken under the supervision of a doctor; biochemical blood tests are required before and during treatment. The dosage of all deworming medicines is chosen individually by the doctor: many factors are taken into account. Beginning with age and weight and ending with comorbidities and medications taken.

If necessary, doctors can combine antiparasitic drugs or prescribe additional antihistamines, immunomodulators. After deworming, and in some cases, gut sorbents, vitamins, and bacterial preparations are used. By following all your doctor's advice, you can get rid of worms quickly.

The fastest way to get rid of worms

Before the advent of the modern pharmaceutical and chemical industries, our ancestors had been successfully cured of "helminths. "Mother Nature helped them with this.

worm remover

Many recipes have survived to this day. Some of these help to quickly clear worms from the body. Unlike chemicals, herbal remedies have additional positive effects on the body:

  • Rich in useful vitamins, phytoncides, acids and trace elements.
  • Gently simulate immunity
  • clean the intestines
  • Selectively kill pathogenic microbial communities.

Garlic has a wide range of effects on worms. It will not lead to their death, but it will create unbearable conditions for their lives. Therefore, they self-destruct quickly.

  1. In the morning, eat 10 cloves of garlic with boiled milk. After 2 hours, take a laxative.
  2. Boil a medium garlic head in a cup of water over low heat for 10 minutes, "split" into cloves and peel. Grind 1 tsp. Dried wormwood, pour 300 ml. water, boil for 2 minutes. Cool both broths, strain, and combine. Insist in a closed jar for about an hour. After defecation, take soup enema.

Other plant-based recipes for quick worm removal:

  • Pass the pomegranate rind through a meat grinder and pour in 150 ml. water (0. 75 cup), boil. Drink warm soup for an hour and a half. It paralyzes the worm. Laxative after 3-4 hours.
pomegranate peel for worms
  1. Take chopped unripe walnuts - 4 tbsp. l. ; Salty boiled water - 1 cup; persist for half an hour, tense. Drink it a day while taking laxatives. This drug is contraindicated in children.
  2. Crush dried wormwood inflorescences and mix with honey or sugar. Eat 5 grams. 2 hours before meals, 3 times a day. Eat for two days. At the end of the laxative the next day.

important!Please consult your doctor!

What is worth remembering?

Great wisdom in the words of Paracelsus: "Everything is poison, nothing is poisonous, and one dose makes the poison invisible. " Self-medication can be dangerous. Now you know how to get rid of worms fast. But for the sake of speed and permanence, the possibility of reinfection should be ruled out. Sometimes it is recommended to repeat the course of treatment after 1-2 weeks. This is done to remove worms that remain in the form of eggs or larvae after the first dish.

Furthermore, in order to avoid reinfection, certain precautions must be observed: do not eat raw and semi-cooked fish and meat (heat treatment for at least 20 minutes), wash and rinse vegetables, fruits and vegetables thoroughly with boiling water. Drink clean water and do notSwimming in ponds with stagnant, dirty water.

It is also important to properly dispose of waste from cesspools and toilets and to disinfect them regularly. Children (and sometimes some adults) follow and develop hygiene rules. Cleanliness of the house and cleanliness of pets.

In general, the World Health Organization gives this preventive advice: If you live in a vulnerable area with a high risk of invasion, you need to take preventive deworming courses. Well, if you're lucky in your living conditions, there's only after-the-fact treatment.

slip - fall, wake up - cast

Some people are afraid to take medicine because of side effects, and some people do not believe in the effectiveness of folk methods. In any case, the choice is always yours. and take responsibility for your own health. Getting rid of worms fast is real. It just needs a clever approach. Give you health!