Folk remedies from parasites in the human body

Parasites poison the body, undermine the health. They can be protected from 100%. Regular checks and cleaning of the correct size. To get rid of parasites, not necessarily buy at the pharmacy, synthetic drugs, pesticides. There are safer and operate the funds. Here are collected the old recipes, that are worth paying attention to.

Infestations elmintiche not always occur bright and are accompanied by different symptoms. A person can a couple of years not to imagine the presence in his body of the parasites. When you feel the problem: a bad mood, sleep disorders, problems with the hair, the nails. Allowed complex of vitamins or food Supplements often have no positive effect.

funds from pests

Of harmful pests:

  • exacerbate allergies and diseases of the skin;
  • impede the proper functioning of the GASTROINTESTINAL tract;
  • poison the body of toxins;
  • inhibit the absorption of nutrients;
  • weaken the immune system.

They influence the functioning of all the organs and systems of man. The faster you begin treatment for intestinal parasites (and all other types), the less the evil which they will lead.

It is not always possible to decide to identify the intruders, then it is recommended to make a diagnosis. Laboratory tests to detect the problem, and also determine the type of parasites.

The popular recipes from parasites

If the ELISA analysis revealed blood parasites, or are detected at calais, optional for the treatment of the use of synthetic drugs. There are a lot of popular recipes that give good results. Most of them on the basis of products available. It is important that they are of high quality. Unacceptable for the preparation of formulations of use the plastic plates or oxidizing metals. More villaggio camping blu give preference enamelled glass capacity.

Decoctions, infusions, alcohol-free for a limited time, then you are preparing for a single day.

Pumpkin seeds

Soft tool from pests, which are often used in the home. Pumpkin seeds contain a substance that paralyzes helminths. Without the ability to move and to cling to the walls of the intestinal parasites die off, they go in a natural way. For the man it is a substance that is harmless, the seeds can be consumed in any quantity. But it is much more effective to work this product with milk.


  • 120 g of sunflower seeds;
  • 150 ml of milk.


Blend the seeds with the milk in the blender. Use in the morning on an empty stomach instead of breakfast. Now not to drink. After 3 hours to do a cleansing enema.


Garlic – the point of vegetable parasites, in the second place there is the onion. This tool is contraindicated for people with diseases of the stomach.

Against any parasites effective garlic:

  • worm
  • of the of the worm;
  • giardia;
  • ossiuri.

Heat a glass of milk, add 12 drops of juice of fresh garlic, to drink in the morning. Take a week, 10 days, repeat the course. Against intestinal parasites often use enemas with garlic water. 0.5 liters need to take 5-7 clove garlic, deploy, insist night, drain.


The only natural remedy that will help you in the fight against pests. Chanterelles are effective against tapeworms of various kinds, and other helminths. This is the most popular and safe cleaning of the body from parasites folk remedies. For the preparation of dyes, the most used fresh mushrooms. It is possible to replace the light of the moon quality of vodka.

By the way, these mushrooms are not ever with worms, which is a sort of proof of effectiveness.


  • vodka;
  • chanterelles.


Chop the mushrooms, you can cut it with a knife. Fill up to half the jar 0.5-liter, tense, add the vodka (moonshine), shake, resist 10-14 days), filter. Eating a teaspoon morning and evening on an empty stomach. Or drink 2 teaspoons of dye for the night.

the bark of poplar

The bark of poplar

Combine 50 g of bark and 500 ml of water, boil for 5 minutes, infuse for 3 hours, you can leave it for a night. Drink a sip of 5 times daily separately from meals. The course of treatment of 3 weeks.


This is a popular remedy for good in the fight against the pests at the age of 60 years and older. Ginger, in addition to solving the worms, improves the flow of bile, purifies the liver, relieves pain and spasms, eliminate waste.

How to use: prepare tea with 1 teaspoon of grated ginger. Drink a cup a day for three weeks.


Iodine, such as soda and helps get rid of different pests, before he not resists fungi, the band, and nematodes. For the preparation of funds mix 2 teaspoons of starch, sugar, and add 100 ml of water, 1 pinch of citric acid. Bring to the boil, remove from heat, place 150 ml of water and 2 teaspoons of ordinary drugstore iodine.

Take adult men for a glass of such jelly 3 times a day. Children 10 years of age, take 0,3 cup of funds. Over the age of 10 years, 0,5 cup.

Birch tar

For the treatment is used only pharmacy tar. The means of production of their own can not be used.

There are several patterns, here's one of the options. Every morning to drink a tablespoon of apple juice with 1 drop of tar, via the week, take into account a drop each day, gradually bringing to 7 drops. In such a proportion as to take about one month, then take a break of 3 months.


For the treatment is used to prepare a decoction of the peel. Remove the skin with a pomegranate, pour in 250 of boiling water, boil for five minutes and an hour to insist. Drain, peel overcome. Drink 3-4 reception lasting 1.5 hours. Via 4 hours, do not drink, do not eat.

Flax seeds

Mix 10 parts of linseed (seeds), and 1 part cloves, chopped. Take the powder in any way to 20 g a day for a month. You can add meals, drinks or take it separately with water.


You can only add spice in different dishes, but it is better to use a special composition of turmeric, garlic, ginger. The ingredients are mixed in equal parts, on the mild day at room temperature in a sealed container. Take 1 teaspoon morning and evening for 7 consecutive days.

Black walnut

Often for the treatment using tincture of black walnut. Take 2 teaspoons before breakfast and dinner for two weeks.

Vegetable oils from parasites

Vegetable oils are the most simple parasite, as it does not require any preparation. The maximum you need to do – mix it with other ingredients according to the recipe.

Cleaning used only if the oil. Well, if they are concentrated. In addition, it is important to familiarize yourself with the terms of maturity, fresh ingredients the most precious substances.

Castor oil (with brandy)

Mix 50 ml of brandy and 2-3 tablespoons of castor oil. Drink of the night after 3-4 hours after a light dinner. It is recommended to perform the cleaning in a day of rest, as well as the tool has a pronounced laxative effect.

The oil of black cumin

Take 10 ml three times daily before meals. After 2 weeks, repeat. To improve the taste you can mix it with yogurt, juice or other beverage of low sugar content.

Pumpkin seed oil

A way for cleaning and treatment without the enema. It is suitable for children and adults, helps to cope with pest control. It is necessary to do a swab of coral fleece, fill the oil, close of night anus. Repeat for 40 days.

Flax seed oil

Take 1 teaspoon. oil 3-4 times a day before meals (20-30 minutes). The best effect you can get, if drinking a decoction of the herb st. john's.

Essential oils

They are added when parasite cleaning enema with essential oils. Are usually used esters of lemon or eucalyptus. With A base of oil (sunflower, linseed, pumpkin) is added 3-4 drops.

Coconut oil

Take 1 teaspoon. of coconut oil 3 times a day before meals, gradually increasing the dose up to 1 tablespoon. l. Via and take 7 days in such a quantity that, you can drink warm herbal tea or water.

herbs for parasites


To combat the pests, often with bitter herbs. Here are the most popular recipes, that have shown their best side. All of the herbs it is advisable to buy in a pharmacy. If they are collected by yourself, the collection of spending away from roads and residential land in clean areas.

The triad

Homicidal means, against which the resists even flat worms. You can buy in a pharmacy, there is a drug, but it is better to cook it yourself. Also come out much more affordable for the cost. Here's one of the recipes, there are variations with different additives (nuts, seeds, other herbs).


  • 4 tablespoons of tanaceto;
  • 1 tablespoon wormwood;
  • 1 teaspoon of cloves.


Mix chopped ingredients. On the first day to eat 1 teaspoon before breakfast, drink the water. During the second day of consume it before breakfast and before lunch. On the third day in the morning, at lunch and in the evening.


You can do an enema of decoction of artemisia, but often take the grass inside. For this grind dried grass, take in the morning and evening for 1 teaspoon exactly a week, drink plain water. After a month of repeat.


Take 30 days morning and evening for 1 teaspoon of small pieces of tanaceto. Drink 1 tablespoon of warm water. The food you can take between half an hour. If necessary, a month after the cleaning to repeat it, but just a course of two weeks.


Mix 1 part of chamomile dried and 10 parts of vodka, for 2 weeks, filter. Take 30 drops before eating 4 times a day exactly three weeks.

How to get rid of parasites for 3 days

If you want to quickly view the adult parasites, will help this system. It is suitable for people who may be at home, take before meals infusion.

How to clean quickly the body:

  1. For 5-7 days prior to cleaning to normalize the power supply. Remove the wheat products, potatoes, sugar, corn starch.
  2. Mix 100 g of dried herbs: tanaceto, sagebrush, buckthorn. Beer 1 tablespoon of mix to 2 cups of boiling water, drink for 100 g for 30 minutes before each meal exactly 3 days.
  3. Every day to do the purifying of oil or a soft drink enema.

Next week, you should carefully monitor the chair, you do not suffer from constipation. If necessary, take laxatives mild.

Prevention from the infection by parasites

Parasites can enter the body with water or food, through dirty hands, washed the vegetables. Then the main thing in prevention – comply with the cleaning. It is important to thoroughly wash the vegetables, can be washed with hot water. After the road you must always wash your hands. If this is not possible, the special treatment of anti-bacterial gel or tissue paper.

The second important point – limit the consumption of raw fish, meat. The products must be thoroughly boil, bake, roast thoroughly. If you prepare some national dishes, Korean, chinese, cuisine, often meat and fish are cured in vinegar.

Attention it's worth the treat food for the road. The danger is not just fast-food, but napkins and the Sellers hands, take the money, prepare the food, give it to the customers.


Manage pests is not as difficult as it may seem. There is an incredible amount of simple and available ways. It is important to follow the recipe and do not try to accelerate the process of increasing the dosing. Any medicine becomes a poison, if irresponsible approach to therapy.